Monday, February 23, 2015

The Linx Between Renting and Dating

When your lease will be signed, it's a really great find -- that's amore!

Renting out your property is quite a bit like online dating.  It requires a lot of investment of your time and energy.  Combing through your potential matches to find that one perfect person for you (or your property) is a process.  Of course, there are some places where this analogy falls apart.  For instance, if you want to take a break from dating, you lose nothing, but getting your property rented sooner rather than later is essential.  And of course, your new renter signs a lease much sooner than most people sign a marriage license.  Follow the tips below, and you can soon find yourself in leased-up bliss with a great renter.

1) Stay Current

Just as one would keep their dating profile up-to-date, your listings should also stay updated.  Updated listings are sent to the top of search results, which means there’s a much higher chance they’ll be seen by prospective renters.  Even if you have nothing to actually change about your ads, marking them as updated a few times a week will keep your listings fresh and accessible to your market.  Whenever I saw an outdated dating profile, I generally assumed that that person had already found a partner, and I didn’t bother to contact them.  Likewise, if your listing remains outdated, most renters will assume you’ve already found a new resident.  An updated property is an available property!

2) Picture It

Dating profiles and rental ads alike attract far more attention when they come with pictures.  A new home and a new partner are significant investments, and people like to see what to expect in advance. Similarly, keep your photos up to date!  I can’t tell you how many people I’ve met in person who looked nothing like their pictures on their dating profiles – some were almost unrecognizable!  If you’ve renovated your kitchen, show it off.  Has your exterior been painted recently?  Reflect that in your photos.  

3) Use Your Words

A good description goes a very long way toward making a potential date or your property as attractive and appealing as possible.  In my online dating days, I quickly got bored with short, uninformative profiles that told me little to nothing about the other person.  Content, grammar, and punctuation are all very important.  Make sure to include pertinent details that the other sections of your profile might not have covered.  A poorly-written description for dating profiles and rental ads alike can deter a reader’s interest.  Take a look at these descriptions from two (very fake) rental ads. Which one would you be more excited to see?

4) Be Patient

Whether you’re trying to find someone to date or someone to rent your property, it takes time and effort.  It can be an exercise in frustration.  You’re going to run across some candidates who aren’t ideal; you’re going to face rejection; you might wait too long while weighing your options and lose a potential renter to someone else.  Patience and persistence are key.  Your perfect renter is out there, ready to fall in love with your property.  Keeping your profile current with a great description and pictures for the maximum curb appeal can help attract them to your property even faster.

I hope you find the resident of your dreams! 

- Katie Williams


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